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(Insights) Artificial Intelligence and how it is enhancing Salesforce Systems!


Artificial Intelligence and how AI is enhancing Salesforce Systems!

With advancements in technology and our interactions with machine learning are changing the way we think about computers. Rather than simply automating repetitive tasks such as data processing, machine learning is attempting to think like a human for decision making. Once properly trained, computers can take over decision making with minimal intervention from humans.

According to Gartner's report, Artificial Intelligence (AI)  is defined as applying analytics and logic based techniques, including machine learning (ML) to interpret events and support to

automate decisions to take actions. This statement applies to both current as well emerging AI

technologies and capabilities, acknowledging that AI is now involving into a combination of

probability and logic to ascertain a value to uncertainty.

Salesforce is one of the earliest adopters of AI capabilities and technology and provides many AI capabilities such as predictive analysis, natural language processing (NLP) capabilities and machine learning via Salesforce Einstein to Salesforce customers.

What is Salesforce Einstein?

Salesforce Einstein is the first fully inclusive, integrated AI for CRM that empowers businesses to employ machine learning and advanced analysis of all their business processes and data for

increased accuracy and automation. 

Salesforce Einstein is able to take advantage of Salesforce’s enormous user base by analyzing every action to continuously improve its capabilities which provides users with more accurate analysis as it continues to learn.

Salesforce Einstein has 36 features which are broadly classified into four categories as shown below:

  1. Machine Learning

  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  3. Computer Vision

  4. Automatic Speech Recognition

We will go into more details about what each of these include below:

  1. Machine Learning: Salesforce offers machine learning capabilities with three prediction tools as shown below:

  • Einstein Discovery - derives customer insights using data from Salesforce (CRM) as well as other internal and external data sources such as website, email marketing campaigns and social media. This tool analyses data faster than any manual method to provide a holistic view of your business and customers , as well as recommend next best steps for sales reps.

  • Einstein Prediction Builder - Allows you create custom predictions from the CRM data and reports. For example, “what is the likelihood of this customer to churn?”. You could create any custom predictions by combining data sources from salesforce and other external sources.

  • Einstein Next Best Action - is a solution that uses flows, strategies and recommends actions with the underlying Recommendation object to sales reps. For example, a recommendation to reach to customer contact in a preferred way (email or sms) if set correctly, Einstein Next Best Action would set reminders and alerts in sales rep’s calendar.

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Salesforce offers NLP capabilities with Einstein Language and Einstein Bots as shown below:

    • Einstein Language - Salesforce Einstein analyses various forms of customer contact such as emails, notes, forms, chatbot inquiries and scans the text to derive sentiment within bodies of text. For example, if Einstein Language derives the words “happy”, “pleased”, “excited” or “overjoyed”, it would determine that the customer is happy with the product or service. The same is true for negative words and a score is associated with each sentiment. With NLP, you can find patterns to quickly determine the best approach and tailor your interactions with the customer. If you have information ahead of time, your sales reps will be better equipped to handle the impending interaction.

    • Einstein Bots - Einstein Bots are smart bots designed to improve customer success by answering frequently asked common questions and increasing productivity by allowing sales people to work on more important tasks. These bots work through all digital channels (email, text, website) and are connected to Salesforce.

  2. Computer Vision - Salesforce offers image based AI capabilities with Einstein Vision. Image classification which determines what object is in the image, object detection which determines what kind of object is in the image are the main features of Einstein Vision. Text recognition scans a text for the image is also useful for businesses that need inventory management to restock products based on images like QR code or the product itself. With all the three features of Einstein Vision working together, you could train deep learning models to recognise your brand’s logo anywhere online and realise the sentiment by scanning the text.

  3. Automatic Speech Recognition - Salesforce offers Automatic Speech Recognition with Einstein Voice tool. Einstein Voice connects to Siri, Alexa or Google to brief sales reps daily schedules with reminders, alerts or new updates for at-risk customers that they need to reach out to interact. It takes your CRM data to give you text-to-speech the context of your business in multiple languages. Your sales reps can capture notes, contact information on the fly through Einstein Voice installed mobile devices. 

How does AI add intelligence to Salesforce systems?

Let’s do a deep dive into how AI enhances salesforce systems:

Provide Data Integrity: 

According to Forrester, the data health for 60% of companies is unreliable. But increasingly, companies are adopting machine learning models to discover complex patterns in the data with a goal of combatting those areas of unreliable data.

Salesforce AI provides predictive analysis and pattern recognition plays a crucial role in maintaining data integrity. With a wide range of tools and apps on AppExchange, provide not just deduplication but rule-based apps to streamline permission management, streamline signing of documents for improving overall data health of the organisation. Machine learning applied to Salesforce systems is the pathway for businesses to dramatically improve products or services improves not just data integrity but also customer satisfaction.

Improving Sales Pipeline

A sales pipeline aggregates individual customer sales and funnels these into a composite picture that measures the health of all sales prospects. The fewer number of deals in the pipeline, high close ratio and sales velocity is above average would impact the health of the sales pipeline and sales teams are often spending a lot of time to understand the quality of leads and to convert these leads to opportunities. 

Einstein lead scoring adds a Lead Score to leads and provides sales reps a prioritised list based on prior converted leads. Your sales teams can address the prospect customers who are most likely to convert to a high value sales. Salesforce Einstein empowers Sales Cloud with Opportunity Insights and will automatically assess customer sentiment, involvement of competitors to identify prospects and whether a prospect is likely to become a customer. Einstein Account Insights is another AI feature that provides company updates and activities to alert your sales teams when an opportunity presents itself. Salesforce Genie keeps these insights updated in real time to provide accurate information to your sales reps allowing them to act on them when they happen. 

Salesforce AI chatbots can instantly help customers find answers to their frequently asked questions. With real time data, AI can make suggestions and in-context recommendations to customers based on their previous activity. This enables customer service teams to drive growth by freeing up their time using AI to complete data fields, perform case triage and automatically route service tickets so they can concentrate on high priority tasks.

Improving Marketing Experiences:

Predictive insights mean that customers can only see relevant marketing messages based on what they opted for. AI gives marketers tools to make every customer interaction count by providing real time information on customers including customer activities and conversations including social media. 

AI allows your marketers to personalise content and provide bespoke often tailored messaging to customers to make them feel valued, improving your bottom line. Einstein Recommendations offer suggestions for targeting and flagging if the campaigns are hitting the mark and optimize your marketing spend accordingly. All this data can be presented in easy-to-digest formats, visual guides accompanied by natural language descriptions. This lets you share insights quickly to make immediate decisions.


Business leaders around the world are facing challenges with growing costs, competition and from evolving customer expectations and looking for ways to make their businesses prepare for the future. AI is changing the face of the business and 44% of executives identify the most valuable benefit of AI is its ability to provide data that can be used to make decisions.


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